I sat out and watched one more amazing badlands sunset over the pine ridge. It was a beautiful end to what was an extraordinary year. We here at the Homestead have struggled with COVID and all the other frustrations of this past year as has everyone. Yet what we are reflecting on is the the amazing blessings that have been ours as well. We have had great health. The business did well financially. We have seen progress on our vision for this place take steps forward. We have been encouraged and yes, blessed by so many of you that have encouraged us in the direction we want to see this place go. So as we look back we choose to focus on all the joys of 2020. And as we look ahead to 2021 we choose to focus on the fact that though none of us knows the future, we know who does and we are excited to see where He takes us and the Homestead in the days to come. We pray that all of you find peace, love and laughter in abundance in the year to come. Keep you eye on the website for the progress we are making out here. And please, think about gathering some friends and planning a trip out our way! We would love to meet all of you! Happy New Year from all of us here at the High Plains Homestead
