Hello everyone!
At the beginning of last year we had made the decision to put vinyl covers on all of our mattresses for sanitary purposes. We are so glad we did!
Because of this we are able to easily disinfect each mattress between guests. Seems like a good thing, right? Our glamping model is an especially great option, as bringing your own bedding and towels adds a layer of personal comfort to your stay. If you need our linens on your next trip, be assured that they are always laundered between guests.
We are also proud to point out that over the last year we had put brand new mattresses in both the Sandcreek Cabin and in our Honeymoon Homesteader room, with more updates coming.
Neal is busy making the community kitchen a fully enclosed and finished room. We are hoping that this will become a favorite hang out as you cook with family and friends. The saloon building is always available for seating, and a great place to hang out after finishing your meal.
We have added a few more games to our gaming library (located in the school house). Grab one to play in your room or the saloon next time you are here! We will have many more updates over the next few days, so watch here, Facebook and twitter for more HPH news!